Ann Arbor Massage and Spa | 5157 Plymouth Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48105 | 517-403-8880

What is Ashiatsu Massage?

Ashiatsu Massage

Translated from Japanese, ashi means "foot" and atsu means "pressure". Ashiatsu is a wonderfully relaxing massage modality where the therapist applies the massage strokes through their feet. The technique dates back as far as the 12th century and has roots in India, Japan, China, Thailand, Africa and the Philippines. It is an incredibly effective modality for providing gentle and deep, consistent pressure using the broad surface area of the foot.

Ashiatsu Massage What to Expect

Clean, soft feet will apply pressure and long flowing strokes to lengthen and relax tight muscles and tissues, while also allowing for a deep state of relaxation. A session of Ashiatsu will be performed with the therapist seated on a stool and while standing next to the client on the table with the aid of overhead bars for balance. The pressure will be deeper and broader than traditional massage, without any pain or discomfort.

Who will Benefit from Barefoot Massage?

Ashiatsu Massage Therapy

These techniques are beneficial for those seeking improved posture and increased range of motion, pain relief and a deep sense of relaxation. Ashiatsu works well for people who readily want outcomes from their massage and includes people who experience chronic upper and lower back pain, sciatica, larger clients, physically fit individuals and people who just can't seem to get enough pressure from traditional massages. Ashiatsu is also especially effective for addressing tight hamstrings, calf muscles, and quadriceps. The soothing strokes are both effective for bringing about beneficial structural changes and for 'melting' the stress away.

It allows the Ashiatsu massage therapist to stand tall and use their weight to apply pressure in place of using their upper body, hands, and wrists. The therapist avoids wear and tear on their joints while applying deep, controlled pressure.

Ashiatsu Massage Ann Arbor, MI

Experience Ann Arbor's best Ashiatsu massage from our team of massage therapists or book your Ashiatsu appointment today.